Progressives are taking over the State Capitol this April, and you can sign up NOW to attend!
The Young Democrats of Arkansas are hosting our Annual Convention on April 25 – 27 in Little Rock, and all Arkansans under the age of 36 are invited to attend!
The Young Democrats of Arkansas Annual Convention is a time when we elect officers, update our platform, approve our bylaws, and have a really good time while making progressive change in the Natural State. You won’t wanna miss out!
Lodging will be at the Holiday Inn Express (4900 Talley Rd, Little Rock, AR 72204) and programming will occur at the Arkansas State Capitol (500 Woodlane St, Little Rock, AR 72201)
ALL YDAR CHAPTERS are required to submit rechartering paperwork before the Annual Convention. File to run for YDAR office! You may also submit a platform plank, bylaw, or resolution to be discussed during the Convention. Please find those links on this page.
Below, you will register to attend as a delegate and list out your dietary restrictions and t-shirt size. If you need an excuse not for school, one can be provided to you.
They don’t call us the Life of the Party for nothing! We look forward to seeing you in April!